Category: Iceland

Solstafir Seven

Yesterday I saw Solstafir at El Corazon. It was Mother’s Day, and I’m sure I’ll do some kind of post about that later. For once,...

Words of Art

On my last day of my first trip to Iceland, I wandered the Reykjavik Art Museum. I had already noticed an Icelandic tendency to treat...


Morð at the Eistnaflug festival in Iceland in 2014....

I Heart the I Heart Reykjavik Blog

Can we talk about Iceland for a minute? My obsession with all things Icelandic is no secret, and over the course of a three trips...

Looking at the grave of the invisible man

Spolia (the literary magazine associated with The Bookslut) has released a chapbook of Sjón's poems called at the grave of the invisible man, translated by...