Category: Family

About Time for Victoria, B.C.

After 20 years of living in the Pacific Northwest and saying, “One of these days, I should…” I finally did. I took the clipper to...

Air Raid Epiphany

A while back I was listening to an Air-Raid podcast with the lead singer of You Me & Apollo, Brent Cowles. He gave a fairly...

The Children’s Book Coincidence

Whether one believes coincidences are actually meaningful messages from a higher power, or are merely coinciding incidents, it’s hard to deny the impact they can...

Book Report: The Truth About Luck

After I signed up for Iceland Writers Retreat, it occurred to me that I should probably be familiar with the writing of the featured authors...

New World Order – Family Dinner

A few years ago, I read a couple of books about the importance of family dinner. This is a tad ironic, because I can barely...