A PSA About Protection
All of these pictures are here to remind you how important it is to always wear protection. By all means, have kids if you want...
Crocodile Kids
My husband was in a band all through college. Seattle had just hit peak grunge, and competition for gigs was fierce. He played around town...
My Favorite Opera: The Barber of Seville at Seattle Opera
I think The Barber of Seville might be my favorite opera. The only thing that detracted from my enjoyment when I watched it last weekend...
Laser Iceland
The first laser show I ever attended was in a symphony hall in 1991 or 1992. Accompanied by a classic rock soundtrack, green lines flashed...
Doe Babies Forever
October is a favorite month, filled with birthdays, anniversaries, and that bestest of holidays, Halloween. But in a few more weeks, the winter gloom will...