Category Archive Family


Independent Bookstore Day 2022 – Island Outliers

Despite my love for filling up passports and my obsession with completeness, I’ve never tried to “win” Independent Bookstore Day for two reasons. First, getting to all the bookstores in one day is too hard. And second, getting to all the bookstores in one day doesn’t leave time for actually browsing the bookstores, and I can never leave a bookstore unexplored once I enter. So each year, I’ve made my own goals. This year was my most challenging.

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Still Alive

Anybody else remember The Croods?


Inspired by Asmundur

My family spent spring break in Iceland in 2017. My youngest child was particularly impressed by the sculptures of Asmundur Sveinsson that were dotted around Reykjavik. Unfortunately we did not make it out to the museum bearing his name, but in the Reykjavik Art Museum, there was a little corner near one of his sculptures dedicated to letting kids create their own art. My 8-year-old translated one of his sculptures to two dimensions.



Sweet ride, Cinderella.


Thought Experiment

What a great way to teach history. Every now and then, I’m really impressed with my kids’ schools.

And since tomorrow is a holiday, maybe you have time to think about it. How would you answer the question?