Category: Deep Thoughts

Complementary Fritillary

A fritillary caught me by surprise, and tossed me from where I stood in my front yard on an overcast spring day to a garden...

On Crows and Craft, Or Something

I haven’t run a reblog post here in a while. Usually when I do, it’s when someone writes something that I’ve been thinking myself but...

Can You Read the Signs?

And the sign says… No, I don’t mean that kind of sign. I’m thinking more like this kind of sign....

The Dadaists and Big Hero 6

So I’m reading Lipstick Traces and it’s slow going because these beautiful sentences go on and on until your realize that they might not mean...

The Truth About Rejection

Have you heard about the writer whose goal was to collect 100 rejections in a year? Have you heard about the writer who is trying...