Category Archive Deep Thoughts


Windows and Walls

It’s funny. If there was a wall like this in your neighborhood, you’d curse your neighbors for not tearing it down or fixing it up. But you see a wall like this on vacation and it’s so picturesque you snap a photo and take it home to show your neighbors how pretty the place you visited is. It makes me wonder how much of our energy is really misspent.


Cat Latte

I remember when the height of latte artistry was a poured rosetta pattern. I have conflicted feelings about social media, but I think photo sharing has had a part in helping the latte art grow. Maybe it’s off-brand; I’m probably supposed to rant about pretentious beverages and performative something or other. But I love that people are lavishing attention on the preparation and consumption of their coffee. Lattes have a sizable environmental footprint; complex worker’s rights impacts; and an often opaque supply chain. We should not be consuming them casually. If latte art causes us to pause and appreciate the results of all that work and effort before we guzzle it down, I think they’re doing us a favor. And even if we just thoughtlessly enjoy the image, I am fascinated by any intentionally ephemeral artform.


Pretty in Purple

For a couple of years I kept my hair purple. I loved it, and strangely, I felt more myself with purple hair than I ever do with my natural (or any natural) hair color. But it was a lot of work and got very expensive to maintain. Purple hair fades, so even if you take good care of it, you can’t just wait for roots to grow out. At one point, I carefully photographed my purple hair each week from the day I got my hair done until the next hair appointment to document the fade. I never got around to collecting those photos and putting them into a time progression blog post. But I still love this image of my purple hair at its darkest.



Since people follow social media accounts that post about topics they are interested in, it stands to reason that themes would emerge in anyone’s feed. But I’m always tickled when posts on a random keyword or topic show up sequentially in my feeds. Yes, I follow lots of musicians and music-related accounts. But I have no particular interest in organs. And the two accounts above deal with very different musical genres. I just love that.


QuietOn Noise Canceling Earbuds

I don’t do a lot of product reviews on this blog. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever done one before. But when I got an email from QuietOn about their tiny, noise-canceling earbuds, I thought, “This is relevant to my interests.” I live next door to an apartment building with spring-loaded metal doors. I have a teenager who lives life out loud – even in her sleep. And my youngest child loves telling the story of the time they were afraid to come downstairs because they mistook my husband’s snoring for a growling bear. I’ve tried ear plugs, but I hate them. So, I tried QuietOn earbuds. Here’s how that worked out for me.

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