Category: Deep Thoughts

We Got a Family Here

Pollyblog: 1. When you don’t want to say too much, but 140 characters just won’t cover it. 2. Good ideas that haven’t got their legs yet....

I Want My Hat Back, Redux

I returned home from Airwaves 12 to a clean house filled with the fragrance of fresh flowers; my children were even sweeter and cuter than...

Toilet Training

Broadly speaking, our assumptions are just generalizations of things we know to be true in specific instances. With every additional piece of knowledge, our assumptions...

Macklemore, DIY Job Creator

A lot of things have irritated me this election cycle, but few get under my skin as much as “jobs creation” as an election issue....

Where the Muse Takes Me

One of the many things I love about the movie Dogma is Salma Hayek’s portrayal of The Muse – a feminist spirit determined to create...