Category: Deep Thoughts

Crutches, Color, and Confidence

On a Friday night almost exactly 21 years ago, I was alone. My boyfriend was at Jam Box with his band. My roommate was with...

Pursuing Excellence

As a government employee, succession planning is a common theme at my office; civil service is out of fashion, and we are what in HR...

Generation X-mas

Twas the night before Christmas. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, under threat of holiday cancellation if they ventured downstairs. I in...

Not Too Shabby

One of the lessons that resonated with me most in Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project was her rule to “Be Gretchen.” Rubin found that she...

All That and a Bucket List (no chicken)

I recently discovered the Bucket List blog and was inspired by the story of a woman who decided that a “good enough” life really wasn’t....