Category: Deep Thoughts

A New Hope

When I was a kid, I loved the beginning of the school year. At first I believed that I was about to be initiated in the...

Book Report: The Happy Atheist

Arguments about the existence of god bore me. I know my own opinion, and I don’t care about yours. I’m ambivalent about books based on...

Skin Deep

“Oh, yes, hi, I think we met before.” The attractive Icelandic man was so tall he had to bend down just to shake my hand....

How Do You Like Iceland?

I forgot to ask his name. Didn’t even realize until after I left town that I didn’t get his name. But I got his story,...

Air Raid Epiphany

A while back I was listening to an Air-Raid podcast with the lead singer of You Me & Apollo, Brent Cowles. He gave a fairly...