Category: Deep Thoughts

Six Years Later

I was struck by this post on my friend Jennie’s blog, WYS Words. I have also benefited from the top-notch medical system in the Puget...

I’m Glad

I got tagged on Facebook to do a gratitude exercise. I was to list three things I’m grateful for each day for five days, tagging...

Holding Back

Last week festival season transitioned to fall arts, and as usual I wanted to see it all. On Wednesday I attended the opening of Seattle’s...

Bad Dad or Bad Day?

I love words both fair and foul, so swearing doesn’t usually bother me. But the vitriol I heard in a swearing outburst today jarred me....

Routine Business

I don’t remember when I first realized that the word “routine” didn’t have a negative connotation for most people. But I know it must have...