Category: Deep Thoughts

I’m Forty

A couple days after WordPress reminded me how old my blog is, Facebook reminded me how old I am. knew my birthday was the same...

A Song of Hate and Fear

I watched one movie while I was sick. The Shop on Main Street was a black and white Czechoslovakian movie from 1965. The Netflix disc...


Eighteen days ago, I was ahead of my National Novel Writing Month goal; I had two weeks of blog posts pre-written to free up time...

Just How Big Is A Billion?

I was going to post something about Iceland Airwaves today, but as often happens, my friend Jennie has given me something a little more meaningful...

Skipping Asgeir Trausti

Ásgeir Trausti released his first album in spring of 2012 but I’ve already seen him five times. I was one of the first people to...