Category: Clips

2019 in a Nutshell

I’m not one for new year’s resolutions, but I do love documentation. As a perfectionist, I like to have thorough records. And as a perfectionist,...

Published in December

I began the month of December in Hong Kong, where I kept working while my kids trained in kung fu. But when I got home,...

Published in November 2019

In November, the whole family went to Hong Kong, where the girls met their kung fu teacher’s teacher and trained with him. Because if you...

Published in September and October

Ah, back-to-school season. It makes everyone (sample size: one) feels smarter. And it makes sticking to a work schedule much easier. In case you missed...

Published This Summer

Summer is always a crazy time of juggling work and school vacations. I don’t always get around to blogging and documentation, but even in the...