Great Panty Caper Revue
One of the things that led me to become a Panty Caperer…Caperist…to join the Panty Caper Street Team was my fascination with the interactive element...
Panty Caper Photo Contest and Free Books
That’s the cover of Tawna Fenske’s new book. It was revealed yesterday. Starting today, there are two ways that you can enter to win a...
Great Panty Caper Cover Reveal
It’s a big week in the run up to the release of Tawna Fenske’s interactive romantic comedy The Great Panty Caper. First up, the cover...
Breaking Character
You know how people always say you should do the things that scare you? There’s a lesser known corollary that sometimes you should do things...
Laxness is Dependably Frustrating in Independent People
After hating The Great Weaver of Kashmir without being able to dismiss its quality, I read Independent People and didn’t know what to think. My...