Book Report: One Bird’s Choice
Historically, biographies were the province of Great Men. Only army generals and presidents deserved a biography, and any lesser soul, say a minor aristocrat or...
Book Report: A Beginning, A Muddle, and an End
I wanted a nap, but I had a deadline. So I tried to stack stones knowing I’d have to do it over again tomorrow anyway....
Book Report: Names for the Sea
People read travel stories about places they have never been in order to vicariously experience a trip they could never take themselves. Or they read...
Book Report: The Orenda
I read Joseph Boyden’s latest book, The Orenda, the same week that it finally became available in the U.S. But I haven’t written about it...
The Bookslut Gets Surreal
I really do want to offer you dear readers reblogs that are simple, but I must share the posts that I find most interesting. Once again, I...