Category: Books

Discovering the Shadow Hero

When I was researching an article about graphic novels for pre-teens, I discovered The Shadow Hero. It didn’t meet the requirements for the article, but...

From the Earth to the Moon

Of course Jules Verne is most famous for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It’s a brilliant piece of speculative fiction that predicted, perhaps self-fulfillingly, numerous...

Book Report: Lost in Translation

Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of review copies of novelty books. I wanted to review Crap Taxidermy, a self-explanatory photo book based on a...

Book Report: Delicious!

Delicious! is a completely realistic novel, but in it, debut novelist Ruth Reichl does some significant world-building. The aesthete’s New York City is full of...

Book Report: The Bathing Women

While helping my daughter navigate the graphic novel section at the International District Library, the cover of The Bathing Women on a nearby shelf caught...