Category: Books

2015 Reading Challenge

  Last year I set a reading challenge on Goodreads. I think it was for 35 books, but I hit the goal in September and...

An Evening with…

It’s probably a little out of character for me that I rarely attend authorial events. I’m not sure why I buy plane tickets and concert...

Eye of Minds Review

I may have mentioned that I receive more unsolicited books than I can actually review. Let me pause and savor that for a minute….Okay. So...

In Defense of the Slog

  No, I’m not talking about the Stranger Blog, although I’m sure it’s very nice. I’m talking about the lengthy, challenging book that you slog...

New Old World

 I don’t remember where I first read about New Old World by Pallavi Aiyar, but I do remember that I stopped reading and immediately put...