Category: Books

Laxness Library

There are built in bookcases throughout Gljúfrasteinn, the home of Nobel laureate Halldor Laxness. This library is about the size of a walk-in closet. I...

Atlas of an Anxious Man

Is it an atlas of the man himself, or an atlas of the world as seen by the anxious man? Is the anxious man author...

A Brief Wondrous Read – Oscar Wao

Since I started hanging out with writers, I’ve discovered that I don’t read the Right Sort of Books. Even though I read all the time,...

Independent Bookstore Day

Some people think I’m awful because I never remember birthdays, and holidays like Mother’s Day register more as minor annoyances than celebrations. But I’m not...

A Martial Arts Tea Party

My daughter turned seven in December, and of course, she wanted a party. She didn’t want too many people; she’s a fairly quiet, shy girl...