Category: 1000 Words

The Peak

A food truck for dogs. I want to say that’s peak … I don’t even know what a dogfood truck is. But it seems pretty...

A Pirate’s Life for Me

From what I understand of Azores history, the islands served as transAtlantic fueling stations and historically housed whalers and fisherman. But it’s easy to imagine...

Third Place Books

After decades in Seattle, I realized I had never been to the suburban “city” of Lake Forest Park. All I knew about it was that...

Windows and Walls

It’s funny. If there was a wall like this in your neighborhood, you’d curse your neighbors for not tearing it down or fixing it up....


This cobblestone mosaic path was in the public garden behind our hotel in the Azores. Cats; gardens; art. How lovely to find three things I...