Category: 1000 Words

Famous Beach

  Recognize this beach? It’s kind of famous.     It’s also kind of dangerous. Several people have been swept away when the sea looked...

Less Traveled By

  It’s actually the path not taken. I didn’t follow this divergent path because a carload of people were waiting for me. It was mighty...

Unfamous Falls

  I’m in Iceland right now, but this photo was taken on an earlier trip. Seljalandsfoss is one of the most famous waterfalls in Iceland, and...

Soft Sunset

I grew up on the desert, where urban pollution and barren earth combined to create some pretty epic sunsets. Colorful sunsets were among the very...

Public Like a Frog

  I’m nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us. Don’t tell! They’d banish us you know. How dreary to be somebody,...