Category: 1000 Words

Cherry Blossoms

Perhaps in Europe the rose has more cultural significance, but here in the Pacific Northwest, as in Japan, roses take a back seat to cherry...

The Scent of Hyacinths

I grew up in Arizona, so a lot of traditional garden flowers were unfamiliar to me. As a young adult, I did some backpacking in...

Catalogue-Worthy Daffodils

A few years ago I was trying to improve as a photographer. Since then, I’ve kind of given up and reverted to cell phone snap...

Crocuses, The First Sign of Spring

The maritime Pacific Northwest has pretty mild winters, so there is not really any time of year that is completely without flowers. Crocuses bloom at...

Cartoon Demo

That time my husband’s sword school gave a demonstration at the Aki Matsuri and he turned into a cartoon character....