Category: 1000 Words

By Any Other Name

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. This plant is called Epimedium acuminatum ‘Night Mistress’. The variety name has some style. Common...

Anemone Maybe

I think these are anemones. Maybe? Whatever they are, they are phenomenally beautiful....

Plum Blossoms

My freshman year in high school, I had to read the book The Gossamer Years. I think I was the only person in my class...

The Tree is the View

I love this giant tree across the street from my house. It reminds me of the camphor tree in My Neighbor Totoro. via GIPHY Every...

A Star (Magnolia)

“It looks like Scotland!” is a joke in my family. In Long Way Round, whenever Ewan McGregor is impressed, he says, “It’s beautiful! It looks...