Category: 1000 Words

Garbage Pets

Anyone who has talked to me in the last four years knows that I think getting rabbits as pets was a Big Mistake. Rabbits are...

Fox and the Law

The first and last time I ever saw Fox and the Law was at Macefield Festival in 2015. I think it was one of their...

Dust Bunny

In the original U.S. release of Studio Ghibli classic My Neighbor Totoro, makuro kurosuke were translated as “dust bunnies.” Dust bunnies, Nanny explains gather in...

Lake Union Dragon Boats

It’s a little-known fact that Seattle has a handful of dragon boat clubs. When I discovered this, I dragged the kids down to Lake Union...

Chiricahua Snow Hike

In December of 2015, the ski season in Washington had just gotten started. We spent the holidays in Arizona, and on that trip visited Chiricahua...