Missing The Turn (of the Screw)
I thought about calling this post “Skipping the Screw” because dirty-sounding titles get more hits. Anyway, for the first time in years, I’m going to...
Presidential Compensation – Constitution Article 2 §1.7
These days I’m studying Article 2 of the Constitution, which deals with the Executive branch of government. Article 2 §1.6 is about presidential succession, which...
Music I Liked – Reykjavik Calling
Taste of Iceland has become an annual tradition for me. I try to make it to as many events as I can each year: the...
Cool Corner
Phoenix, Arizona is all suburb and no city. Growing up there accustomed me to a certain architectural homogeneity. On my first trip to Europe, I...
Taste of Iceland at Cuoco
Taste of Iceland is an annual tradition for me. But I never attended the tasting. This annual international chef collaboration isn’t cheap, and it always...