Music I Liked – The Greatest Bits, Metallica, Hath, Pound, Árstíðir lífsins, Illimitable Dolor, Gloson
This week all the music I liked was metal. Well, more or less. I liked The Greatest Bits, Metallica, Hath, Pound, Árstíðir lífsins, and Illimitable...
My Brand
After bringing home the wrong miso one too many times, I finally took a picture of the right stuff. ...
Reuben’s Brews Nordic Haze
A week before I was scheduled to leave for Norway, Reuben's Brews announced the release of a new beer: Nordic Haze, a hazy IPA...
Music I Liked – Digawolf, Saba Alizadeh, Funereal Presence, Shana Cleveland, Ahmed Ag Kaedy, Hand Habits
In this week's roundup, I've got a lot of hybridization of contemporary approaches with traditional styles. Digaawolf, Saba Alizadeh, Funereal Presence, Shana Cleveland and the...
May Wind
My daughter and I spent a pleasant day in May Fourth Square flying a kite. The wind in Seattle is usually to gusty to fly...