Music I Like – Dark Moods

Before I ever heard heavy metal, I was drawn to the darkest, moodiest things I heard on Top 40 radio. In the 80s, that meant...

The Universal Dog

Few species are as diverse as the dog. From chihuahuas to Irish wolfhounds, dogs have been bred into almost any variation humans can imagine. There...

Ægir, The Brewery in Flåm

I expected the village of Flåm to be a pit stop on our DIY Norway in a Nutshell tour. Instead, it turned out to be...

Freeway Flowers

At first glance, this looks like a photo of a freeway. But what I really wanted to capture was the flowerpots of coleus hanging from...

Published This Summer

Summer is always a crazy time of juggling work and school vacations. I don’t always get around to blogging and documentation, but even in the...