Pink Mama
Marketing is culturally specific. The name of this shop, Pink Mama, raised my eyebrows and made me wonder just what kind of variety of sweets...
Amnesia, The Ultimate K-Drama Trope
My first experience of K-drama was the wonderful series, Her Private Life. What struck me most about the show was the intelligent writing and the...
Back from Break – Pandemic Homeschool Diaries
{Well, this is annoying. While working on the blog last weekend, I noticed this post, which I wrote at the end of April. It was...
House Rules
I have written before about the time I got bumped from a flight out of Shanghai and the airline put us up in an airport...
Money or a Splash of Water – The Separation Bribe
Even in the West, there is a story trope where the parents (usually of a wealthy and respectable young man) meet the lover (usually an...