In Which a Review of American Gods Turns into a Writing Riff
Fiction changes lives. I haven’t written fiction since middle school. (Except that one NaNo novel in 2008, but that was therapy.) Even so, I am...
Stevens Passages: Full Family Snowboarding
New Year’s Day, 2013 launched ski season here in the crooked little shack. It’s not just any ski season. For our family of four, this...
GOJIRA! GOJIRA DA YO! (at Studio Seven)
After (not) seeing the first two bands at Studio Seven, I knew that I couldn’t just listen to Gojira when they played Studio Seven. I...
The Atlas Moth and Devin Townsend at Seattle’s Studio Seven
It seems like I’m always most interested in the opening bands. I flew to L.A. to see Amorphis open for Nightwish, I saw Epica because...
Pollyblog: Maybe I Need a Book Group
. Once upon a book group I tried starting a book group in grad school. We were all broke grad students. So we didn’t require...