Doe Bay Moments
Doe Bay Fest is only six years old, but with its stellar record for booking the best of the Northwest, it is already legendary. Festival-goers...
Laxness is Dependably Frustrating in Independent People
After hating The Great Weaver of Kashmir without being able to dismiss its quality, I read Independent People and didn’t know what to think. My...
A Hard Dog’s Night
So I have this memory of John Denver sitting on a cabin porch in a Rocky Mountain sunrise, eating GrapeNuts cereal. I’ve spent unsuccessful hours...
The Orphan Device
Writers are always reading, and usually on more than one level. I still remember the shock I felt the first time I saw a typo...
I Cried My Eyes Out at Seattle Opera’s La Bohéme
Seattle Opera’s production of La Boheme made me cry. I love this opera about bohemian artists in Paris for several reasons. One is that it...