Icelandic Bands to Watch Meta-List

Right now everyone is caught up in year-end listmania, but a while back, there was a spate of “Ten Icelandic Bands to Watch.” They caught...

Statistically Speaking

I usually don’t pay much attention to statistics on this blog, but today I spent a little time trying to see what they could tell...

Kylian + Pite Redefine Ballet

I hardly know where to begin talking about Pacific Northwest Ballet’s latest rep, Kylian + Pite, but I’m afraid that once I start, I won’t...

All That and a Bucket List (no chicken)

I recently discovered the Bucket List blog and was inspired by the story of a woman who decided that a “good enough” life really wasn’t....

La fille du régiment at Seattle Opera

Seattle Opera kicked off its 50th season with Donizetti’s La fille du régiment. It seemed like a strange choice to me, because, well, it is...