March by the Numbers
While I am learning how to write at the Iceland Writers Retreat, here is a quick look at what my statistics page has to tell...
Tomorrow I leave for Iceland! While I’m there, I plan to focus on the Iceland Writers Retreat workshops, but I have posts – mostly book...
Why you really need to leave the country (preferably for somewhere new to you)
Although I agree with her whole heartedly, Caitlin Kelly has walked this talk so much more truly than I have that I feel her words...
Have a Good Time
I’ve already written up the Decibel Magazine Tour at Showbox, with its dream team of a lineup: Carcass, Black Dahlia Murder, Gorguts, Noisem, and Bastard...
Decibel Magazine Tour 2014: Showbox Market Seattle
The lineup for this year’s Decibel Magazine Tour was something like fantasy football for metalheads: Carcass, Black Dahlia Murder, Gorguts, and Noisem, passing through Seattle...