Happy Pongal
Before there were blogs, I spent a quarter studying sustainable development in southern India. I maintained an email distribution list of friends who wanted updates...
The Bookslut Gets Surreal
I really do want to offer you dear readers reblogs that are simple, but I must share the posts that I find most interesting. Once again, I...
June by the Numbers
I have heard about website ranking before, but never paid much attention. This month I stumbled across an article discussing how your Alexa Rank could...
Blog Hoppin’: All the cool kids are doing it
In a rare turn of events, I’m one of the cool kids! Thanks Jennie! A couple weeks back, I was asked to participate in a...
Book Report: Frisky Business
Partway through 101 Reykjavík, I got fed up with Hlynur Björn. I had to take a break from him, so I picked up Tawna Fenske’s...