We Bought a Time Share

My hand shook over the paper as I reached out to sign my name. I felt sick. Only a month ago, I crashed in a...

Form of … a Refrigerator

It sounds good to call what I do “freelance.” But it really means that when there’s no work there’s no money. Today started out like...

Bad Dad or Bad Day?

I love words both fair and foul, so swearing doesn’t usually bother me. But the vitriol I heard in a swearing outburst today jarred me....

Book Report: Lost in Translation

Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of review copies of novelty books. I wanted to review Crap Taxidermy, a self-explanatory photo book based on a...

R.I.P. Yatsu

Yatsufusa 1998? – September 10, 2014 You mattered more to me than most humans....