The First Rule of Bravo Club
The first rule of Bravo Club is… You must be under 40 at the beginning of the opera season. Okay, so that’s different from the...
Discovering the Shadow Hero
When I was researching an article about graphic novels for pre-teens, I discovered The Shadow Hero. It didn’t meet the requirements for the article, but...
Hutong View
This view of a hutong was taken from the window of our high rise hotel room in Beijing in 2007. I wonder if it is...
Halloween “Fictian”
As an adult, I’m pretty new to writing fiction. But I wrote a lot when I was kid. Here is a story I wrote in...
From the Earth to the Moon
Of course Jules Verne is most famous for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It’s a brilliant piece of speculative fiction that predicted, perhaps self-fulfillingly, numerous...