High Seat Posts

Reading the sagas, I always wondered what “high seat posts” looked like. This replica was at the Saga Museum in Reykjavik’s Perlan. Now that I’ve...

Stink Eye

My daughter is convinced that everyone is staring at us. This notion is ridiculous. Not quite half the people we pass stare at us. Staring...

Nova Heart at Airwaves 12

I saw Nova Heart play a coffee shop on the first night of Iceland Airwaves. I loved the beefy, rocking sound her trio generated, and...

The Brief Wondrous Life of Princess Lilac

It began, as so many tragedies do, with a rash promise, made with little understanding of what was offered and almost immediately regretted. I hoped...

Lockerbie at Airwaves 12

Icelandic band Lockerbie looking very young at Airwaves 2012.  I loved their debut album, and this delightful video that came from it. I should see...