Pay to Play

Or, What I Did on My Summer Vacation. Remember the ’80s, when bands had to pay clubs to play? As a woman, and as a...

Euphonious Bucket List

Bucket lists are all over the place these days. Last year, I wrote a bucket list on this blog, but I never looked at it...

Hip Hop Heart Garden

Just a random DJ performing outdoors in November in the park known as Heart Garden in downtown Reykjavik. In a complete misunderstanding of what tourists...

Stuff I Wrote Lately

My blogging has taken a hit in 2015 as I have spent more time on writing things I get paid for. Sometimes I add links...

Nonfiction Novel Titles

Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, Washington is a destination bookstore. In fact, it kind of is Lake Forest Park. There’s not really much else...