Public Like a Frog

  I’m nobody. Who are you? Are you nobody, too? Then there’s a pair of us. Don’t tell! They’d banish us you know. How dreary to be somebody,...

Eistnaflug: The Movie

Earlier this year I was contacted by Siggi Jensson, the creator of the Eistnaflug 2014 10th Anniversary four-DVD box set. Was I interested in receiving...

I Capture Craigdarroch Castle

Yeah, okay, I just toured it. But damn. Wouldn’t it have been nice to be a coal baron in the 1890s? Most modern homes on...

Choice Time at Pacific Northwest Ballet

In kindergarten, almost every kid has the same favorite subject in school – Choice Time. Choice time usually disappears in third grade, but when it...

What Have I Done for You Lately?

Well, I’m back at the government work, editing construction project management plans. But I have found time amidst all that excitement to write a few...