Butchart Gardens
I’ve visited gardens all over the world, but it took me nearly 20 years living in the Pacific Northwest to get around to visiting...
On to the Articles!
I write a lot of articles, and this post should probably be a list of them (I try to do that monthly, but life). Instead,...
Records and Guesthouse
I can’t make it to Eistnaflug this year, but as the festival approaches, my thoughts wander to East Iceland. The tiny town of Eistnaflug has...
Rethinking the Blue Lagoon
The first time I went to Iceland’s Blue Lagoon was during Airwaves 2012. I entered on a press pass and listened to DJs while I...
Last week I said I was going to read the U.S. Constitution properly, and share the experience here. I hope that doesn’t sound like a...