A Bookish Saga

On my first trip to Iceland, I naively bragged that I had read all the sagas. My listener was too polite to do more than...

Constitution: Article 1 §2.4

To better understand this political system we have inherited, I’m making a careful study of the Constitution. I’m sharing here in case others similarly engaged...

Look Where You’re Going

Whether it makes all the difference or none, the path you’ve chosen is better than the path passively followed. Two roads diverged in a yellow...

Constitution Article 1 §2.3, Part Two

Lately I’ve been hyper-aware of the importance of civic engagement. To better understand this political system we have inherited, I’m making a careful study of...

Spice of Life

At my first Eistnaflug (2014) REYKJAVÍKURDÆTUR was a stand-out act for me. They were one of the only bands I interviewed (unfortunately I never found...