Cat City Reykjavik
When you travel, have you ever noticed that there cat cities and dog cities? Tokyo is a cat city. When I’m in Japan, I always...
Article 1 §3.5 Pro Tempore Presidents
Democracy is hard, but it helps if you know what you’re doing. I want to be better at democracy so I’m studying the Constitution, and...
Blue Poppy
I visited the Reykjavik Botanical Garden one July, and discovered that it looked a lot like any Seattle garden in May. Lilacs and rhodies,...
FOMO, the Multiverse, and Doe Bay
I was reading Neal Stephenson’s book Anathem when my family made its annual pilgrimage to Doe Bay Fest on Orcas Island. It was a hard...
Constitution Article 1 §3.4: Vice President Breaks Ties and Records
Lately democracy has been taking a global beating, and the U.S. has not been immune, what with a Russian-influenced presidential election and a new president...