Stank Baby

That time my daughter’s friend from rock camp pulled her up on stage at a music festival. That day at Doe Bay they danced, but...

Back to School Work

I’ve never outgrown the school/summer vacation cycle, and having school-aged kids has reinforced it. With kids underfoot, it’s hard to cram work in around my...

On Scheduling, Article 1 §4.2

On Wednesdays we study the Constitution. I struggled over what to write for today. Last week I studied Article 1 §4.1, dealing with the management...

Wet Dog

One summer, I was invited to go camping in the San Juans. My dog was so old that I worried about leaving him at home...

50 Years of Jewels

Milestone birthdays inspire reflection. Especially when the milestone in question is 50 years, and Jewels are being reflected. This year, Jewels, the collection of three...