Laser Iceland
The first laser show I ever attended was in a symphony hall in 1991 or 1992. Accompanied by a classic rock soundtrack, green lines flashed...
Doe Babies Forever
October is a favorite month, filled with birthdays, anniversaries, and that bestest of holidays, Halloween. But in a few more weeks, the winter gloom will...
Tasting Iceland, Naturally
Taste of Iceland, the annual, four-day Icelandic culture festival in Seattle (and a few other cities) turns 10 this year. October is high season for...
Self-judging Elections, Constitution Article 1 §5.1
On Wednesdays we study the Constitution. It’s not exactly great literature, but like a lot of literature, it’s a simple text that people are arguing...
Stank Baby
That time my daughter’s friend from rock camp pulled her up on stage at a music festival. That day at Doe Bay they danced, but...