Catalogue-Worthy Daffodils
A few years ago I was trying to improve as a photographer. Since then, I’ve kind of given up and reverted to cell phone snap...
Seattle Opera 2018/19 Season Preview
Today I am sad. Berlioz’ opera Beatrice & Benedict opens at Seattle Opera tomorrow, and I don’t have tickets. I could not go on the...
Punishment of Counterfeiting – Constitution Article 1 §8.6
This week I’m studying Article 1 §8.6 of the Constitution. It’s about the Congress’ power to punish counterfeiters. I’m not particularly interested in counterfeiting, but...
Music I Liked 7 – Johannes Linstead, Hell You Talmbout
I didn’t take time for much intentional music-listening last week. The music that made the deepest impressions on me last week all came from real...
Crocuses, The First Sign of Spring
The maritime Pacific Northwest has pretty mild winters, so there is not really any time of year that is completely without flowers. Crocuses bloom at...