Little Mortal Jump at Pacific Northwest Ballet
It’s been a few days now and I’m still thinking about Little mortal jump, the opening piece in the Emergence mixed-rep ballet I saw at...
Emergence Mixed Rep at Pacific Northwest Ballet
The ballet has left me breathless before, but breathless and speechless? That’s new. There is so much to say about the current mixed rep at...
Music I Liked – Hypno5e, Kalmah, Pollens
I’m not very good about keeping up with new releases. I barely even noticed with music release day switched from Tuesday to Friday. But a...
Himalayan blackberry is everywhere in the Pacific Northwest. It’s the tastiest noxious weed ever, so it’s hard to get too upset about it. But it...
Military Rulemaking – Constitution Article 1 §8.14
Article 1 §8.14 of the Constitution is about Congress’ rulemaking power for military forces. It’s one of several clauses collectively referred to as “The War...