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Independent Bookstore: Drink Books

After realizing that my love for Independent Bookstore Day was making me blind to all the independent bookstores that don’t participate, I set out to see what I’ve been missing. And it didn’t take long to be reminded that when it comes to independent bookstores, you have to act fast or you might miss out entirely. In July I visited Drink Books. In August, the physical shop closed.

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Independent Bookstore: Couth Buzzard

My love for Independent Bookstore Day is no secret. It has exposed me to some wonderful bookstores that I might never have visited otherwise. But not every independent bookstore participates in Independent Bookstore Day. And by focusing on the event, I’ve been skipping some wonderful independent bookstores. I don’t usually make New Year’s Resolutions, but this year I made an Independent Bookstore Store Resolution – to visit a nonparticipating independent bookstore every month.

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