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Independent Bookstore: Charlie’s Queer Books

Last month a new independent bookstore just fell in my lap – or more precisely, opened in my neighborhood. As The Uncommon Cottage continued its westward march along 36th Ave., this fall, we saw folks remodeling the cute little cottage the shop most recently occupied. When we asked what they were up to and found out it was going to be a bookstore, the family gave a collective cheer.


Despite appearing to do all the work themselves, Charlie’s was up and running in time for the holidays, so of course I checked it out. It’s already become a regular stop whenever we’re out and about in the neighborhood.

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Independent Bookstore: Mercer Street Books

The third independent bookstore I wanted to check out was Mercer Street Books, featured in a Seattle Times article about a year ago. From that article, I discovered that there has been a bookstore in that space for longer than I’ve lived in Seattle. But I’d never been to it before. And that was a situation that required remedy. Finally, on a Wednesday afternoon in October, I got around to visiting. And I’m really sorry I waited so long.

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