Here are links to the articles I wrote that published in February. If you have school-aged kids, I’ve got you covered on the summer camp planning. But even if you don’t, I hope you find something interesting among the articles below.
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I didn’t quite meet my 2024 reading challenge goal of 107 books (one more than I read in 2023), but I read some very challenging books, so I mostly feel okay about it. For the past couple of years, I have been using StoryGraph as well as Goodreads. I like to see the different types of data – but discrepancies in the shared data do provide a nice reminder that it’s all in good fun. In any case, for my own amusement (and yours, should you actually enjoy this sort of thing) here’s a look at how much of what kind of reading I did in 2024. I’d love to hear from you if you read some of the same things.
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