Time for another round of blog statistics! Read on for links to the most popular posts of the month and a list of intriguing search terms that led readers down this Crooked Road.
Top Posts:
- Odin’s Eye at the Nordic Heritage Museum
- Seattle Writes with a Little Help from My Friends
- Stalking Asgeir Trausti (he’s ba-ack)
- What to Make of Mozart’s Bad Boy?
- Reykjavik Writing Jam
(Probably the return of a certain Icelandic folk singer is due to his sold out show here in Seattle this month – that I missed!)
I personally have high information needs, so I go to a lot of trouble to find useful links about the topics I write about. I always like to see what readers are actually curious enough about to click for more information. Turns out, they rarely are, but here are the
Top three outgoing clicks:
- My friend Jennies’ post about health care over on WYS Words
- The home page for Hjalmar, Iceland’s first reggae band. Formed by Asgeir Trausti’s older brother, members of this band also provide backing for Asgeir.
- Nordic Heritage Museum and Iceland Naturally
Top Search Terms
There was a lot of overlap in this month’s top search terms.
In the top 10:
- 3 were variations on the question of Asgeir’s dating status (Why does this always come up, instead of searches about his music? Is it because I put “Stalking” in my title?)
- 3 were variations searching for Angelica Generosa in PNB’s production of Jewels
- reykjavik swimming pool
Among the more unusual search terms this month:
- I won’t quote directly for fear of generating further search results. But it involved my name and documents of an explicit nature that are usually saved as a jpg file type (the mind reels)
- how does will in through black spruce go into a coma
- hop her (I have no idea…)
- don giovanni and what is the opera about (omigosh, I think I’m being used as a source for a school paper)
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