October by the Numbers


October by the Numbers

cat wearing tie

photo by gratisography.com

Time for another round of blog statistics! Read on for links to the most popular posts of the month and a list of intriguing search terms that led readers down this Crooked Road.

Top Posts:

(Probably the return of a certain Icelandic folk singer is due to his sold out show here in Seattle this month – that I missed!)

I personally have high information needs, so I go to a lot of trouble to find useful links about the topics I write about. I always like to see what readers are actually curious enough about to click for more information. Turns out, they rarely are, but here are the

Top three outgoing clicks:

Top Search Terms

There was a lot of overlap in this month’s top search terms.

In the top 10:

  • 3 were variations on the question of Asgeir’s dating status (Why does this always come up, instead of searches about his music? Is it because I put “Stalking” in my title?)
  • 3 were variations searching for Angelica Generosa in PNB’s production of Jewels
  • reykjavik swimming pool

Among the more unusual search terms this month:

  • I won’t quote directly for fear of generating further search results. But it involved my name and documents of an explicit nature that are usually saved as a jpg file type  (the mind reels)
  • how does will in through black spruce go into a coma
  • hop her (I have no idea…)
  • don giovanni and what is the opera about (omigosh, I think I’m being used as a source for a school paper)

About the author

GD administrator

I'm a freelance content and grant writer in Seattle specializing in parenting, arts and the environment.

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